Surbhi Trivedi Rose Hills
Assessing Intrahost Dengue Virus (serotype 3) Diversity in Human Dengue
The goal of this research project is to investigate the diversity profile of DENV populations within each human host (i.e., at the intrahost level). Previous studies on DENV-2 diversity from the Harris Lab have identified significant levels of variation in genomic diversity between genes, notably in the Envelope gene, which encodes for a viral structural protein that is an important target for antibody binding. Our research aims to compare DENV diversity profiles by harnessing high-throughput deep sequencing technology to sequence viral populations in individuals with primary and secondary DENV serotype 3 infections. This study will examine hotspots of intrahost DENV serotype 3 diversity within particular genes and domains, survey their effects on amino acid sequence and impacts on predicted protein function.
Message To Sponsor
Research has been an incredibly rich and fruitful experience for me. Being able to spend a summer in lab allows me to fully immerse myself in an environment that fosters prolific scientific discourse and new ways of thinking. It also allows me to be part of a diverse and lab community, which is an active and engaging facet of my undergraduate experience!