Alina Çelik L&S Arts & Humanities
Baba Canm (Daddy Dearest)
This project explores the transfer of knowledge within familial systems. In 2014, a traditionalist administration took power in Turkey. This marked a change in the socio-cultural environment and created an opportunity for stories to be altered and values to shift. What stories are shifted or lost in the transfer of knowledge across generations? Queerness has always been present, but how has its existence been impacted by the dominant culture in Turkey? What were queer stories like in Turkey before the political push to an Islamic state, and how have they changed today? The goal of this project is to examine these questions by immersing myself in the stories of my Turkish relatives and identifying how these stories shift when the perspectives of women and queer individuals are centered. The final aspect of the project will be a Super 8mm documentary film, which I hope will add a unique perspective to the nuances of an everchanging Turkish culture.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for funding this project. With your help, I am able to give back to a community that deserves the world. I really appreciate you, and your generous contribution.