Marissa Teitelman Humanities and Social Science

Evanescence and Concatenation: The Dutch Role in the Atlantic Slave Trade

Certain histories have been ignored that are incredibly important to understanding self-identity. The Dutch West India Companys (WIC) history epitomized trans-Atlantic diaspora, creating unique cultures all over the world and intensifying identity transformations. I will examine the extent of the Dutch role in producing identity transformation and cultural diaspora along the 17th century WIC slave route from Amsterdam, to Ghana, to Curaao, and finally to New Amsterdam. I will draw on publications from experts in the field such as Paul Gilroy, Kwesi Yankah, and Linda Heywood. Looking at tales, traditions, and legends from Ghana, the Caribbean, and New Amsterdam will synthesize the extent of cohesion among trans-Atlantic cultures spread by the Dutch slave trade. Highlighting the influence of cultural material and folklore could provide a greater understanding of the under-examined Dutch role in the Atlantic slave trade, and insight into the extent of cultural cohesion and distinction across the Atlantic.

Message To Sponsor

Receiving the SURF award does not only serve as an inspiration and acknowledgement for my research, but provides so many useful resources on my journey into exploring my topic. Mentor help, funding, and insight into writing successful proposals are all components that come with the Surf award. This award allows me to travel to New York and Amsterdam to conduct my research, which I would not have been able to otherwise. It also means I can successfully and accurately complete my research
Profile image of Marissa Teitelman
Major: Political Economy, Interdisciplinary Studies Field
Mentor: Jeronen Dewulf, Department of German
Sponsor: JSB Fund
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