Alyson Kishi

Quantifying the relationship between stereopsis and motor control in a prehension task

The aim of this study is to quantify the relationship between stereopsis (the ability to see depth) and the ability to precisely grasp an object. We will present objects in a frontal view that minimizes other cues to their shape and ask participants to reach and pick up the objects while recording their hand movements. It is our hope that the study will illuminate our understanding of how stereopsis benefits manual tasks and provide a basis for therapies that improve binocular function and depth perception.

Message To Sponsor

Research has been an invaluable component of my college experience that has greatly enriched my academic learning and development. Through URAP, I have found an interest in vision and a better understanding of what research entails. This particular study is important to me because I am 100% involved in all aspects from its conception to its completion. It will be a steep learning curve, but I look forward to the new experiences since I hope to continue research after graduation!
Profile image of Alyson Kishi
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Mentor: Dennis Levi, Vision Science and Optometry
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