Hannah Hanson

Developing and promoting the psychological humanities

It involves a book, for Palgrave Macmillan, due out later this year, which explores what the emerging interdiscipline of the psychological humanities offers to psychology practice and models of human subjectivity. It also includes developing and delivering a course for students within the interdisciplinary field of Women’s and Gender Studies at Cal, which is due to be expanded to Cal State East Bay later in 2021. The psychological humanities has developed out of critical psychology, and recognizes that the psy-disciplines (psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy) are human sciences, not STEM sciences. It looks to apply critical theories about culture and human meaning developed in the humanities to how the psy-disciplines think and function.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you for this opportunity to do research. I am ever grateful and this experience has motivated me to continue on to do a Senior Honors Thesis.
Profile image of Hannah Hanson
Major: Anthropology
Mentor: Natasha Distiller, Gender and Women's Studies
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