Catherine Ruiter L&S Social Sciences

AI and News Publishing: A Mesoeconomic Analysis

This research seeks to discover the economic impact of the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in news publishing. I attended the World News Media Congress (WAN – IFRA) to listen to primary sources from Google, OpenAI, Le Monde, BBC, the New York Times, and other key firms; discuss their plans for implementing AI advances in their business models. I then attended Google I/O, Google’s developer conference, where the firm released a myriad of new AI advancements and applications. I have since been engaging in a cross-referential qualitative analysis of each industry’s plans to use and implement AI with the most important developments of the OpenAI/Microsoft v. New York Times (NYT) case. The OpenAI/Microsoft v. NYT case is central to the economic developments driven by AI because each firm is acting as a proxy for their respective industries, and the suit will determine how AI can be used to generate profit and what intellectual property can be used in the development of AI.

Message To Sponsor

This research project has been incredibly inspiring to me, and has helped lay the groundwork to understand how to create additional usable value from content creation. Throughout the project I have communicated with people from all over the world to understand how the advancement of technology is a global activity, which has helped me grasp the central role that global collaboration plays in enacting viable change. This opportunity has taught me that the world (and our understanding of it) is ever-expanding, and that studying its changes can provide opportunities to solve what feels like the unsolvable. This work has helped me learn that even in situations where it seems that the fate of a player is bleak, changes can come to fruition and permanently alter what was thought to be a sealed fate.
Profile image of Catherine Ruiter
Major: Media Studies
Mentor: Richard Jaroslovsky
Sponsor: Leadership
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