Zara Miura Brandt

Exploring ChatGPT in Language/Culture Learning

The project in which I’m involved seeks to understand why and how students who are learning world languages at UC Berkeley do, or do not, use ChatGPT. As a large language model, ChatGPT presents particular challenges and opportunities in relation to second language acquisition, especially in the university setting. As of yet, there are few empirical studies that foreground students’ voices on this topic. Our project intends to address that gap by using a survey and interview-based approach to access students’ beliefs about ChatGPT, with an eye to how those concerns shape students’ relations to language, education, and the university.


Message To Sponsor

This program made it possible for me to continue developing my research skills and relationships with mentors here at Berkeley throughout the summer. I will carry these skills forward into my research in the coming year and post graduation. Thank you so much!
Major: Anthropology
Mentor: Kimberly Vinall and Emily Hellmich, Berkeley Language Center
Sponsor: DeBenedetti Fund
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