Hong Joo Ryoo Rose Hills

Real-Time Quantum Computations of Three-Body Correlation Functions

My research operates at the intersection of computer science and Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD), focusing on quantum computations of real-time three-body correlation functions in 1+1 dimensions. Our primary objective is to determine how quantum computing can effectively simulate three-body interactions that evolve over time within physically realistic quantum states. By implementing the finite-volume formalism, integral equation methods, and other computational techniques, we aim to lay the groundwork for future quantum simulations that operate in real-time and can be extended to higher dimensions beyond 1+1D within the LQCD framework.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you for your continued support in advancing scientific research. I greatly appreciate your dedication to promoting opportunities and education. I am excited for the opportunity to develop as a researcher and collaborate with my peers at UC Berkeley this summer.
Major: Physics, Applied Mathematics, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science
Mentor: Raúl Briceño
Sponsor: Rose Hills Foundation
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