Benjamin M. Chen Sciences
Quantification of Short TE Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) from Patients with Brain Tumors
Benjamin plans to implement an algorithm for quantitative analysis of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) that will improve the specificity of the calculated levels of cellular metabolites such as choline, creatine, N-acetylaspartate and myo-inositol. This information is critical for predicting tumor type and grade, tailoring treatment protocols to individual patients, and distinguishing between treatment effects and recurrent tumors. The current method of estimating metabolite concentration is not sufficient when using acquisition parameters that give complicated spectra. A least squares method, developed by Provencher et. al., is more accurate. Benjamin will apply the Provencher method for quantification of spectra obtained from novel parameters, such as short echo time and high field strength, and extend the method for use in multi-voxel MRSI from single-voxel MRSI. The results, which will be presented as his Bioengineering Senior Honors Thesis, will have important results for the therapeutic treatment of brain tumors.