Jenna Cavelle Social Science
A Political Ecology of the Citarum River: Exploring Human Dimensions of Water Pollution in Peri-urban Bandung, Indonesia
The Citarum River and its drainage basin, which has been called the most polluted river in the world, spans 11,000 square kilometers, serves 378 industries, 25 million people, and supplies Jakarta with 80% of its water. With so many people and ecologies depending on this critical river, each with a different perspective and a distinct relationship to the river, there are many narratives about rights, access, and pollution being told. Jenna will travel to West Java to further explore what individual and collective claims are being made, which practices and narratives are mobilized to justify them, and whether claims have the potential to transform management and restoration activities aimed at mitigating deteriorating conditions.

Major: Conservation & Resource Studies, Geography (minor)
Mentor: Mentor: Professor Nancy Peluso