Joseph J. Lim Sciences

Object Recognition by Contour Extraction

Current Bio: Since graduation, Joseph completed his PhD at MIT and postdoc at Stanford. He started a tenure-track faculty career at the University of Southern California, and is leading the Cognitive Learning for Vision and Robotics (CLVR) lab. He works on teaching robots to learn and solve complex physical tasks, such as furniture assembly.
Haas Scholars Project: Object recognition is a major unsolved problem in Computer Vision. The main goal is for computers to detect and to recognize objects in the given images and videos. In this project, contours will be used as a new descriptor. “Contours” are defined as sets of segments that can provide more information than just a single segment or a random set of segments. In the past, not much work has been done using contours, because extracting contours from images was a difficult task. However, with a much improved contour extraction method developed in the Berkeley Vision Group, Joseph Lim and his mentor expect to contribute to a new method that will benefit the entire field of Computer Vision.

Profile image of Joseph J. Lim
Major: Computer Science/Applied Mathematics
Mentor: Mentor: Professor Jitendra Malik, EECS
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