Simmie L. Foster Sciences
Genetic Analysis of PEST Sequences in the L. monocytogenes Protein Listeriolysin O
Simmie’s research project is situated at the intersection of cell biology, immunology and molecular biology in the important field of bacterial pathogenesis. Understanding the interaction of intracellular pathogens with mammalian systems is critical for preventing and treating a number of diseases that pose a major challenge to the biomedical community. Specifically, Simmie will focus on the way in which a protein produced by a particular intracellular pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, is degraded in the cytosol of the host cell. By illuminating the complexity of the host-parasite interaction in this instance, Simmie’s research will also help us gain a better understanding of the nature and function of healthy cells.

Mentor: Mentor: Professor Daniel Portnoy, Molecular & Cell Biology