Camilo Salazar Prince (2006)
"Esta Noche" film
The film “Esta Noche” seeks to question labor practices and immigration policies in the United States and aims to portray the illegal immigrant as the new “invisible man” of our times. This fictional presentation will be based on a series of true stories of illegal Mexican/Latino immigrants, as recollected in interviews and documented by research. Produced by Divino Nio Filmes, “Esta Noche” will be Camilo Salazar Princes first feature-length film.
Letters Home
Camilo received a bachelor of arts in philosophy from UC Berkeley in May 2006. At Berkeley, he focused on the philosophy of Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Wittgenstein, and also made several short films. His creative efforts were recognized with the 2005 Eisner Prize in Film & Video, and Honorable Mention in the 2006 Eisner Prize in Photo-Imaging. In addition, he received the UCGALA scholarship for his initial work on “Esta Noche.” His first short film “La Continuidad de los Cables” was an official selection at the 2004 Bogota Film Festival and Cartagena Film Festival.
Camilo was born in Athens, Georgia but grew up in Bogota, Colombia, where his family still resides. He hopes to become a professional film director.