Marithza Quiroz (2020)
Power & Joy: Untold Stories of Undocumented Women
For her project, Power & Joy: Untold Stories of Undocumented Women, Marithza will create an illustrated book that features what she describes as the untold stories of agency and creativity of undocumented women in the U.S. Writing the book she wishes she had read when she arrived in the U.S. at seventeen-years-old, Marithza hopes it will serve not only as a directory of information but also as a meaningful revision of the narratives about undocumented women.
Letters Home
Marithza Quiroz is a graphic artist graduating in 2020 as an American Studies major with an emphasis in Visual Culture, Media and Technology. She was born in Sonora, Mexico and migrated to the United States at the age of 17 along with her parents. She learned English and graphic design through community adult programs in Los Angeles and worked in the graphics industry for over 20 years. She loves museums, biking, and exploring the city on public transportation.