Alejandra S. Aguilar Arce L&S Arts & Humanities
Bidialectalism and Contact Among Spanish Speakers in the Bay Area
The Spanish speaking population has been growing rapidly in the U.S in the past decades, particularly the Mexican dialect. For this reason, understanding the dynamics of dialect contact and bidialectalism between Spanish dialects is important. I aim to conduct research to investigate the extent of influence that the Mexican dialect of Spanish has had on other Spanish speakers and their native dialects within the California Bay Area. Despite extensive research on dialect contact in cities like New York City and Los Angeles, there has not been enough conducted in the Bay Area. This project seeks to fill this gap by examining the linguistic interactions and outcomes of dialect contact in the Bay. By utilizing sociolinguistic methods, including surveys, interviews, and linguistic analysis, the study aims to contribute to the broader discourse on language contact and bidialectalism in the diverse Bay Area.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you for allowing and giving me the opportunity to conduct research on language contact with Spanish speakers. This is a topic that I am passionate about, and your contribution will help me to further explore this area of Spanish linguistics. Your generous donation is highly appreciated and serves as an encouragement for me to consider pursuing graduate school to continue my research work.