Charles Long L&S Social Sciences
Impact of Tutoring in Prison on Empathy Amongst Berkeley Students
The United States faces challenges in its criminal justice system, with high rates of incarceration and recidivism. Volunteer programs targeting incarcerated populations offer potential avenues for rehabilitation and recidivism reduction. UC Berkeley’s Teach in Program exemplifies this approach, wherein UC Berkeley students assist San Quentin State Prison students in obtaining their G.E.D.
While research supports the positive effects of volunteer work and interaction with marginalized populations on empathy development, limited studies have specifically examined the impact of volunteering in prisons. With religious outreach dominating the space of prison volunteerism, a research gap exists examining a tutoring program conducted by college students. This study aims to investigate the effects of volunteer tutoring of incarcerated students, particularly those working towards their G.E.D., on empathy levels amongst UC Berkeley students. Understanding this relationship can provide insights into strategies for fostering social awareness and empathy toward marginalized groups.
Message To Sponsor
Thanks to the School of Letters & Sciences. I thanked multiple departments within L&S but not L&S themselves. The first photo I ever took of myself on the Berkeley campus was on a stoop that read: "College of Letters and Sciences" as then, I was still cognizant that was the school that accepted me. I was so proud that day. I have since forgotten it's L&S above it all and reference the individual departments, but this sponsorships reminds me that it's L&S looking out for me. Thank you, and I hope to do you proud.