Erin Lam Humanities and Social Science
The Metapoetics of the Construction of Space and Location in Horaces Odes
The Roman poet Horace, an enormous influence on Western thought and poetry, himself stands within a long tradition of Greek and Latin lyric. He innovates on the foundations his forebears have built, creating new and surprising poems. Many of Horaces Odes reveal a marked attention to the construction of setting. I categorize these settings into actual place, or a geographical location that could potentially exist, and poetic space, more imaginary or surreal constructions. These spaces are often linked to a religious ritual and involve a skillful manipulation of time and space on the part of the poet. My project aims to elucidate the characteristics and purposes of these spaces, the relationship of the poet and these spaces to religion, and ultimately how these poems change or define the genre of Latin lyric poetry.