Eva Lopez L&S Sciences
Effectiveness of Iron Oxide Microlites as Bubble Nucleation Sites in Rhyolitic Melts
Investigating the conditions that allow for bubble nucleation and bubble growth is significant for improving our understanding of volcanic eruptions and forecasting how they evolve over time. This research investigates how the presence of Iron Oxide (FeO) microlites may influence the nucleation of bubbles in rhyolitic melts as a function of temperature and at room pressure. It aims to shed light into the relationship between nucleating gas bubbles and the presence of, distance from, and relative size of, FeO microlites. It will thus allow for an understanding on how the bubble number density relates to the presence or absence of crystals and pre-existing bubbles, and consequently, analyze the rates of heterogeneous vs. homogeneous nucleation. In addition, this research will consider why these microlites may be effective nucleation sites. Factors such as surface tension, temperature variation, crystal geometry, melt viscosity, volatile diffusivity, and melt chemistry will also be examined in order to understand what factors may render FeO microlites effective nucleation sites.