Yechong Yu L&S Sciences
Reading Comprehension and RSVP -- Processing or Memory?
My current project is about reading performance across different methods of text presentation. The standard form of text presentation is by printed words on a page or screen in blocks of sentences and paragraphs. This way of text presentation is difficult for people who have diseases of the eye that hinder eye movement. One way to correct this problem is through rapid serial visual presentation, or RSVP, where text is presented one word at a time in sequence on a monitor. Do reading speed and comprehension improve when this method is used instead of standard presentation methods? A series of experiments across various text presentation modes will try to answer that question.
Message To Sponsor
This fellowship has allowed me to pursue a project with a level of independence that I previously did not have in my lab. Without the award, I would have had a significantly harder time putting together the means by which I would be able to pursue research full time for the duration of the summer. This opportunity allows me to undertake a specific goal and accomplish something meaningful in the academic context that I otherwise would not be able to do.
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Mentor: Susana Chung, Vision Science
Sponsor: JSB Fund