The UC Washington Program (UCDC)
University of California, Berkeley

Each Fall and Spring, UC juniors and seniors from all majors travel to Washington, D.C. to intern, do research, and take classes for a semester. Students live and attend courses at the UC Washington Center, an eleven-story building six blocks from the White House. Washington, D.C. offers a wide variety of academic, professional and rich cultural opportunities for undergraduates.
Students are selected based on academic excellence, professional maturity and demonstrated interest in a particular area. Because it is both an academic and an internship program, students research in class what they experience professionally in their internships. Theory meets practice for a powerful learning experience! UCDC helps students to clarify their future career direction, get on-the-ground work experience, and build professional networks.
Past program participants have said: “UCDC was my best semester at Cal!”, “The semester in DC was truly life changing and will take me to where I want to be in my public service career” and “UCDC was instrumental in landing a job after graduation.”
applications for Fall 2025 Deadline
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Upcoming Information Sessions & Events
- Tuesday, February 11, 2-3pm UCDC Info Session on zoom at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
- Thursday, February 13, 2-3pm, “The UCDC Student Experience”, Q&A with the UCDC Student Ambassadors in 3401 Dwinelle Hall
- Tuesday, February 18, 1-3pm drop in advising and application support 2416 Dwinelle Hall
See the schedule for info sessions presented by the Washington Center at their Prospective Students Page linked here.
Individual Advising
Can’t make an info session or have questions? Sign up to meet with the UCDC advisor in person or on zoom, at https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fbytu
Email: ucdc@berkeley.edu
Student Ambassadors
Interested in the UCDC student experience?
Talk with one of the UCDC Student Ambassadors about their time in DC!
Program Advisor
Mary Crabb
2416 Dwinelle Hall
MC #2940 Berkeley, CA