Ben Kopania
Predictive modeling of ecosystem carbon stocks in mangroves of the Americas
The purpose of this project is to examine the effects of species assemblages and forest structure versus geomorphological setting on ecosystem carbon stocks in the mangroves of the Americas. This summer I will work on building statistical models that will help us understand these relationships between different forest characteristics and carbon stocks. By comparing these models to similar models for mangroves in other parts of the world, we will gain valuable insight into how ecological processes vary between mangroves from different global regions.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for providing the funds to allow me to conduct this research over the summer. I am very lucky to be able to spend my summer pursuing my academic interests and conduct research on topics that I care about. Research has been an absolutely integral part of my education and I would not be able to continue my work over the summer if it wasn't for your generous contribution.Major: Environmental Sciences and Geography
Mentor: Matthew Potts, Environmental Science, Policy & Management
Sponsor: Leadership Fund