Casey Vo
Microchannel Plate Detectors
In the Experimental Astrophysics Group at the Space Sciences Laboratory, I work on the testing and characterization of michrochannel plates for their use in NASA sub-orbital and satellite instruments. The MCPs are thin plates made of highly resistive materials with a honeycomb pattern of slant mircochannels. Photons are sent through the channels and bounce against the channel walls until electrons are emitted and yield a cloud of several thousand electrons. My work this summer will focus on further studying and testing these plates for use in future NASA instruments.
Message To Sponsor
I am so appreciative of this opportunity to continue my research with the EAG team. Interacting and learning from the researchers has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my academic career. In addition to showing me applications of my studies, working in research has truly taught me the significance for experimentation and the pursuit of improvement. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Major: Physics & Applied Mathematics
Mentor: Oswald Siegmund
Sponsor: Anselm MPS Fund