Arabi Hassan (2019)

The Dreamers Resource Project is designed to provide a comprehensive pipeline to higher education and technical education for immigrant students at Van Nuys High School (VNHS), located in Los Angeles, California. This project specifically focuses on the needs of undocumented VNHS students. In partnership with various immigrant-serving non-profits in Los Angeles, the Dreamers Resource Center will offer programming that will educate students, staff, and parents about immigration policies and how undocumented students can pursue an education at a four-year university or technical school. In addition, the programs interactive professional and […]
Fanice Nyatigo (2019)

MamaTips is a subscription service that sensitizes rural Kenyan women on the importance of proper health care practices during their pregnancy, in a bid to encourage them to take an active role in ensuring their health and that of their baby. On a weekly basis, MamaTips uses an automated system to progressively send vital health information as recommended by the World Health Organization. The tips given are in line with the mothers gestation stage, explaining what is happening in their womb, guiding them on how they could best support their […]
William Smith (2019)

As a graduate from UC Berkeley, Will is a co-founder and farmer for the Black Earth Farming collective. The Black Earth Farms Collective is an agroecological lighthouse organization composed of skilled Pan-African and Pan-Indigenous farmers, builders, healers, and educators who spread ancestral knowledge and train community members to build collectivized, autonomous, and chemical free food systems in urban and peri-urban environments throughout the Greater East San Francisco Bay Area (occupied Ohlone & Miwok land). Our work regenerates our communitys connection to and reverence for land and agriculture, which was severed […]
Suashunn Harlan (2019)

The Urban Youth Intervention and Creation project is a program dedicated towards the mental, creative, intellectual, and academic growth of marginalized students at Carver Middle School in South Central, Los Angeles. This project aims to counter cycles of trauma experienced in marginalized communities through exposing students to various ways of coping with symptoms of trauma such as meditation, breathing exercises, discussion, and art therapy. The program also centers around enriching students with exposure to a plethora of art mediums such as photoshop, filmmaking, clothing design, animation, and spoken word poetry. […]