Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Diana Ramirez L&S Social Sciences

A Transborder Study of Chicana/Indigena Identity Formation

The livelihood of the Poblano community’s oral histories and traditions, “desde nuestros pueblos a los estados unidos” (from our pueblos to the U.S.), is telling of my community’s ancestral resistance. The survival of our heritage allows our families to build community and identity, a home in a country that rejects and displaces both our Mexican immigrant communities and ancestral knowledge and identities. My research project is a transborder study in which I will trace my Indigenous roots in Puebla, Mexico and construct a memoir of the oral histories of my Poblano communities in Los Angeles, CA and San Bartolome Hueyapan, PU. I will identify Poblano histories and traditions that have been preserved and passed across the U.S.-Mexico border and, through this, gain an understanding of how they play a role in identity formation among returning migrants and immigrants from my ancestral homeland. My research will be a reunification with my indigenous roots in Puebla and will be imperative to the survival of these traditions in my barrio of Los Angeles.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you for granting me the SURF stipend that will give me the opportunity to cultivate my research. As a Mexican American scholar and daughter of Poblano immigrants, I am filled with gratitude to be able to honor my parents and our ancestral roots in such a way. I look forward to growing intellectually and personally through this enriching experience and am beyond excited to see this labor of love culminate into my senior honors thesis.
Profile image of Diana Ramirez
Major: Chicano Studies
Mentor: Dr. Pablo Gonzalez, PhD.
Sponsor: CACSSF
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