Grace Jiang L&S Math & Physical Sciences
Low-cost Computational Microscopy
The introduction of microscopy to the scientific world has greatly revolutionized biology, having given researchers the ability to make confident observations at the microscopic level of cellular and subcellular features otherwise not detectable to the naked eye. However, conventional methods for creating advanced imaging systems with high resolution over a wide field of view typically rely on creating complicated lenses, which are both expensive and bulky in terms of weight and size. This presents a problem for obtaining adequate equipment, particularly in low resource settings where it is simply not possible to buy the proper imaging tools. Thus, the goal for this research project is to develop an inexpensive, high-throughput computational microscope composed of inexpensive, off-the-shelf lenses and a diffuser. The complexity, cost, and bulk of conventional microscope lenses will be replaced by sophisticated and careful computational modeling. In addition to creating a high throughput microscope at a low cost, this research will expand upon existing computational methods for recovering images in the frame of this specific imaging system that may be broadly applicable to other imaging systems.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you so much for your support of my research project. I am extremely grateful and so excited to see my research progress this summer! Your funding is so important for undergrad researchers like me, and it truly is life changing to be able to delve into and explore my research further with your generous support.