Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Phoebe Gross SURF SMART

Fish Foraging Behavior in Different Stream Habitats

Habitat diversity in a watershed can support diverse biological communities, as well as promote diverse traits and behaviors within a population. This project will investigate if juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) alter their foraging behavior in different stream habitats, using underwater video footage. This work will be part of a larger study that aims to understand whether diverse physical habitats within Lagunitas Creek, Marin County give rise to trait diversity within an endangered coho salmon population.

Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for making this research experience possible. Through the SURF-SMART program, I was paired with a wonderful mentor who guided me through our research project from start to finish. I was able to spend time collecting data in the field, which showed me how much I enjoyed field work and clarified my desire to work as a field scientist in freshwater ecology. I also greatly improved my analysis skills, and successfully delivered my first scientific presentation at the SURF conference. Carrying out a project from start to finish and being apart of methods development has made me feel more confident as a scientist, and also more excited to pursue research in the future.
Major: Molecular Environmental Biology
Mentor: Rachael Ryan
Sponsor: Anonymous
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