Jason Lam

UC Mentoring Landscape

Throughout my time at UC Berkeley, I’ve learned of the difficulties of navigating different spaces academically, professionally, and socially first hand and the importance of having supportive peers and mentors. This summer I will be continuing my research on conducting a landscape analysis of mentorship opportunities here at the University of California, Berkeley. In particular, this landscape analysis seeks to see if being involved in a mentorship program will lead to long-term career success, especially for Underrepresented Minority students and students from a non STEM background. 

Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for your generous support to the towards undergraduate research. Your donation enabled me to take a deeper dive within the world of mentoring and will facilitate more impactful mentorship programs dedicated to students from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds!
Profile image of Jason Lam
Major: Society & Environment
Mentor: Jill Finlayson, EDGE in Tech Initiative at UC, CITRIS, and the Banatao Institute
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