Saurav Suresh
Eye Movement Prediction for Dedicated Search Task and Improved Model for Saccade Detection.
This summer, I will be researching methods to predict eye movements that occur during a given search task. My research will involve developing predictive models for eye movement behavior, which upon further analysis could reveal information about how and why we move our eyes in certain ways. I will also attempt to improve upon the current state-of-the-art for saccade detection models. Both models will be fit separately for healthy eyes and amblyopic eyes, and the differences in the resulting structures may teach us more about how the amblyopic eye functions compared to the healthy eye.
Message To Sponsor
Thank you for this opportunity to pursue my curiosities and research goals. The nature of the human eye, computer vision, and amblyopia are areas of research that fill me with questions and this research project is my attempt to answer some of them. So it means a lot to me that I can devote my summer to exploring these topics and potentially arrive at some answers.
Major: Computer Science and Mathematics
Mentor: Dennis Levi/ Optometry
Sponsor: Chandra Research Fellows - Chandra Fund