Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Touss Majidi

Testing designed transcriptional activation domains for plant synthetic biology

I will be testing designed transcriptional activation domains for plant synthetic biology using experimental and computational techniques. The experimental work largely revolves around integrating plasmid libraries into the yeast genome, sorting the cells, and generating next generation sequencing libraries. The computational aspects of the project include analyzing the resulting data, assessing the number of integrations in each experiment, and simulating highly active synthetic activation domains.


Message To Sponsor

I am greatly appreciative of the donor for sponsoring my research this summer. My time in the lab will allow me to explore my deep interest in synthetic and computational biology, and help me understand what it takes to excel in this field. Furthermore, I hope to build a better understanding of what type of PhD program I will like to apply to in the following year. Overall, the opportunity I have received will give me the space, resources, and experience necessary to take the next step in my career and life.
Major: Bioengineering
Mentor: Max V. Staller, Center for Computational Biology
Sponsor: Chandra Research Fellow - Chandra Fund
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