Undergraduate Research & Scholarships

Xinze Guo

Modeling the Beam Directivity of the MIST Global 21 cm Experiment Using Shapelets

The 21cm signal, generated by the spin-flip transition of a neutral hydrogen atom, is crucial for exploring the universe’s earliest phases before the formation of stars and galaxies. The Mapper of the IGM Spin Temperature (MIST) is a new radio experiment designed to detect this signal, where understanding the antenna’s beam directivity is crucial for correctly recovering the signal. However, the traditional method of beam model simulations are time-consuming and hard to manipulate, so developing an analytical model is essential for extracting 21 cm lines effectively. Under the guidance of Raul Monsalve, I plan to conduct an in-depth study of beam directivity using polar shapelets, aiming to provide a 10-base-only analytical way to construct directivity.


Message To Sponsor

Thank you so much for giving me this invaluable opportunity to continue my research in the summer! I am excited to continue my research on beam directivity and to advance the project I've been passionate about for the past two years. Your support will greatly help me deepen my understanding of the field and develop research skills to prepare myself better for graduate school and an academic career. Thank you once again for your support, as I wouldn't have this opportunity without your generous donation.
Major: Astrophysics and Computer Science
Mentor: Raul Monsalve, Space Sciences Laboratory
Sponsor: Leadership Fund
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