SURF Fellows
Optimizing Single-Cell Patterning for Breast Cancer and Immune Cells
Kinase Regulation of LSG1-VAP Interaction
Developing fluorescent probes to identify dengue-reactive B cells
Targeting Impaired Homeostasis As A Therapeutic For Cognitive Decline
Drosophila Dopamine Receptor Characterization using Split GFP System
Characterization of Putative Pitx2 Enhancers in Gasterosteus Aculeatus
Purification and Analysis of Pex2/10/12 Ligase Complex and Ubc4 Enzyme
Selective methionine targeting of Ctr1 to modulate copper transport
Regulation of the Non-Mevalonate Pathway Genes of L. Monocytogenes
Quantifying Nutrient Sharing in California Anemones
Early Partial Reinforcement Learning on Cognitive Flexibility of ASD
Functional Characterization of Transcription Factor Mutations in ASD
Investigating Bacterial Defense Systems & Phage Subversion Mechanisms
Localization of alpha synuclein using turboID proximity labelling
Correlated Motor&Sleep Deficits During Prodromal Parkinson's Stage
Osteohistology of Hyperelongate Neural Spines Across Amniotes
In-Vivo CRISPRa Screens to Identify Novel Regulators of Treg Migration
Investigating Hormone Communication between the Brain and Inner Ear
Effecrs of Lipid Composition upon C. crescentus Membrane Proteome
Characterizing the Protein ORF31 in Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus
The Vertical Evolution of Marine Particulate Organic Matter
Defining the Hedgehog Transcriptional Program
The Neural Effects of Psychedelic Medicine on Alzheimer’s Disease
Physiology of RGC in Disease: Implications for Vision Restoration
Auditory Learning in the Prefrontal Cortex in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adapting GLamouR, a Lanthanide Biosensor, for In Vivo Use
Investigation of an Alternative MHC-E Antigen Loading Pathway
Interneuron Restoration and Transcriptional Change via Optogenetics
Regulation of Nucleic Acid Sensing Toll-like Receptors by UNC93B1